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【教学设计】Unit 3 My Friends

2013年05月03日 08:46:37 来源:兰西县教师进修学校 访问量:648

Unit 3 My Friends


长江中心校  杨春娟

T: Good morning , boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

І. Warming up

T: Let’s sing a song, ok?

Ss: Ok!

T: Stand up, are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: Ok! Begin!

Watch TV and follow it sing and dance..

T: Boys and girls, I have 2 puzzles for you, can you guess?

Ss: (Yes)

T: Now, let’s look at the first puzzle.

It is big. It has two big ears, a long nose and four legs. What is it?

Ss: It’s elephant.

T: Let’s see. You are right, good

T: Let’s look at the second puzzles.

It is small. It has two long ears, two red eyes and a short tail. What is it?

Ss: It’s rabbit.

T: Ok, Let’s see. You’re right, very good

2. Enjoy spelling

1) T: Look here,   there are some old friends, do you remember them?


T: Who can try?

Ss: Let me try !

T: OK ,you .

(call a student read these)

T: Good, and this one,-> |th| |fr||qu||str||ng|.

T: Who can try?

Ss: Let me try !

T: OK , you .

T: Very good!

T: Ok, one two three.

Ss: sit straight

T: Great, Now read them after me.

T: Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, you, please, you…

2T: Great, ok, let’s meet a new letter.

|i|   i->   in->tin

i->  in->thin

T: follow me read the letter .

T: Great! Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, Let’s read the letter together.

3) T: Now, look at this letter.

|e|   e->   et->let

e->  et->set

T: follow me read the letter .

T: Great! Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, you, please.

4) T: Good, this one.

|air|    air->pair

Air ->hair

T: follow me read the letter .

T: Great! Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, you, please.

5) T: ok, look here.

|o|    o-> ot->hot

o-> ong->long

T: follow me read the letter .

T: Great! Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, you, please.

6) T: Great, look at the last one.

|or|   or->   ort->short

or-> nor

T: follow me read the letter .

T: Great! Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, you, please.

7) T: Read the words 3 times after me, please.

T: follow me read the letter .

T: Great! Who can read it?

Ss: Let me try !

T: Ok, you, please.

8) T: Wonderful. Now, I want a s to come to the front, and spell my words like this: I say “let”,   and you put “let” on the blackboard.

И. presentation

1.Show a long pencil.

T: Now, let’s look at the screen. What’s this?

Ss: pencil.

T: Good, pencil .It’s a long pencil.

T: look at this blue one. It’s a short pencil.

2.Show myself hair boys and girls, look at me, this is my hair. It’s very short, I have short hair.

Spell  ort-> short->    air-> hair  (show words card).short hair

3.(CAI):look at XX, he has short hair and XX

has _____.S: long hair.

T: Good, long hair. spell. o-> ong->long.  air->hair->long hair.(I stop you stop)

Show girlshe has long hair. Show sentence card

4.Tshe is thin .

i->in->thin ->word cardsone by one

T: thin. she is thin.

Show sentence cardsshe is thin.

5.(CAITLook at XX. Is he thin.

S: No

T: Yeah, he isn’t thin, he is strong.

Spell  ong->strong  word card

Point to a student T: He is strong.

6. (CAI) Show the pictures of Liu Yifei, the students exclaimed. T The index finger: be quiet.

Direct spell

Point to Liu’s picture  T: look, this is Liu Yifei, she has ____,and she is ____.

Liu Yifei has a good friend, he is very very  tall, he is a sport star./who is he, do you know?

S: Yao Ming.

T: Yeah, He is Yao Ming. Look, he has ____,

He is _____.

Liu Yifei and Yao Ming are best friends.

Direct spell

Show word cards and read words one by one.

T: Today we learn these words and sentences ,after going home ,  write these words five times and read these sentence three times. OK?

Ss: OK!

T: Boys and girls , you are very good, are you happy

Ss: Yes!

T: However, the happy time always short. OK, our class is over. Goodbye boys and girls.

Ss : Goodbye teacher .

Blackboard Design

Unit 3  My  friends

My friend is strong.


He has short hair…

long hair



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