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【教学设计】Unit9 When was it invented?

2013年06月09日 07:49:51 来源:兰西县教师进修学校 访问量:669

   Unit9 When was it invented?        (period 2)



Language goals语言目标

1. Words & expressions 生词和短语

invent, be used for, heated, style, slipper, slippers, scoop, adjustable, heel, battery, operate, battery-operated, special

2. Key sentences 重点句子 (P69)

Who was it / were they invented by?

It was / They were invented by ...

What is it / are they used for?

It is / They are used for ...

Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to learn more passive voice structures and learn to express their views on different inventions.

Emotion && attitude goals 情感和态度目标

Learn to tell helpful inventions from annoying inventions.

Strategy goals 策略目标

Listening for key words;

Matching the answers with the information given and make similar dialogues.

Culture awareness goals 文化意识目标

Similar characters of the great inventors in different countries.

Teaching important points教学重点

Enable the students to express opinions on different inventions.

Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式

Step I  Check the homework

T: Hello, everybody. Let’s check the homework. Who’d like to share your answers with the others?

Collect answers and correct the mistakes if any.

T: You really did a good job.

Step II Warming Up (2a: P69)

T: Look, what’s this?

Point to the scoop on the right of the picture of 2a on P69.

S1: It is a heated ice cream scoop.

T: What is it used for? Who was it invented by?

(Write the following two sentences on the blackboard.)

What is it used for?

Who was it invented by?

S1: It is used for scooping really cold ice cream. But I don’t know who it was invented by.

T: How about these?

(Point to the shoes and slippers.)

S2: They are battery-operated slippers and shoes with adjustable heels.

T: What are they used for? Who were they invented by?

(Show the following two sentences on the blackboard.)

Who were they invented by?

What are they used for?

S2: Sorry, I don’t know.

T: It doesn’t matter. We will listen to the tape and you will get the answer.

Step III  Listening (2a, 2b: P69)

Ask the students to listen to the recording and find out the uses and the inventors of the inventions.

T: We will listen to a dialogue and you will know the uses and the inventors of these inventions.

(Ask the students what they should do before listening.)

T: What are you asked to do according to the instruction?

S1: To number the inventions in the order that we hear them.

T: So what should you pay more attention to when you are listening?

S1: Names of the inventions.

T: Right. The recording will be played twice. For the first time, listen carefully to the names of the inventions.

(Play the recording. Then check the answers.)

T: Well, you have numbered the inventions, but have you got the correct answers to the questions? Let’s listen to the dialogue again and you will get the correct answers. Do you know what you should do in this part?

S: Listen carefully and match the items in Columns A, B and C.

T: So what should you pay attention to in the recording?

S: The uses and the inventors’ names of the inventions.

T: When we want to talk about the uses of something, which phrase will probably be used?

S: “Be used for”.

T: Yes. The recording will also be played twice. For the first time, just listen carefully to the uses and the inventors.

(Play the tape for the first time.)

T: For the second time, listen and match the items.

Play the tape again. After the students finishing matching, check the answers with the whole class.

Step IV Oral Practice (2c: P69)

Ask the students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.

T: Let’s work in pairs and practice the following structures. One asks questions and the other answers them. Then change the roles.

Show the following questions on the screen:

What is it / are they used for?

Who was it / were they invented by?

It is / They are used for ...

It was / They were invented by ...

Sample dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

S1: What is this?

S2: This is a heated ice cream scoop.

S1: What is it used for?

S2: It is used for scooping really cold ice cream.

S1: Who was it invented by?

S2: It was invented by Chelsea Lanmon.

Dialogue 2:

S1: What are these?

S2: They are battery-operated slippers.

S1: What are they used for?

S2: They are used for seeing in the dark.

S1: Who were they invented by?

S2: They were invented by Julie Thompson.

Dialogue 3:

S1: What are these?

S2: They are shoes with adjustable heels.

S1: What are they used for?

S2: They are used for changing the style of the shoes.

S1: Who were they invented by?

S2: They were invented by Jayce Coziar and Jamie Ellsworth.

T: From the listening, we know that the three inventions were all invented by foreigners. I hope you should study hard and invent useful things by yourselves, OK?

Step V Pairwork (3a, 3b: P70)

Ask the students to comment on inventions by telling helpful inventions from annoying ones.

T: Please explain the meanings of the words “helpful” and “annoying”. And please give some examples to show what they   


S1: Helpful: that can help people do things. For example: A vacuum cleaner is helpful.

S2: Annoying: that makes people unhappy and unwell. For example: A very loud noise is annoying.

T: Look at the pictures at the top of P70. What is this in the first picture?

S1: It is an alarm clock.

T: What is it used for?

S1: It is used for telling the time and waking people up at the fixed time.

T: Do you think it is helpful?

S1: Yes, I think so. Because it wakes me up on time every morning.

T: It is really useful. But sometimes it is annoying. Different people have different ideas. My dear students, let’s talk about the 3 inventions using the sentences on the screen. Work in pairs and make dialogues.

(Show the following sentences on the screen:)

What is this in the picture?

What is it used for?

Do you think it is helpful / annoying?

Sample dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

S1: What is this in the first picture?

S2: It is an alarm clock.

S1: What is it used for?

S2: It is used for waking people up in the morning.

S1: Do you think it is annoying?

S2: Sometimes, when I want to go on sleep.

Dialogue 2:

S3: What is this in the second picture?

S4: It is a light bulb.

S3: What is it used for?

S4: It is used for giving light.

S3: Do you think it is helpful?

S4: Yes, I think so. Because I always do homework and read books in the evening by its light.

Dialogue 3:

S5: What is this in the third picture?

S6: It is a microwave oven.

S5: What is it used for?

S6: It is used for heating cold food and cooking meals.

S5: Do you think it is helpful?

S6: Yes, I think so. Because my parents are very busy and I can use it to cook meals by myself.

T: Good, well done. Now work in pairs and make a list of five helpful inventions and five annoying inventions.

Sample answers:

Helpful inventions: vacuum cleaner, soundproof door and window, car, computer, fax machine

Annoying inventions: air-conditioner, truck, telephone, junk food, ice-cream

Ask the students to make dialogues according to the dialogue in 3b.

T: Look at the dialogue in 3b, discuss with your partners and make similar dialogues.

Sample dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

S1: What do you think is the most helpful invention?

S2: I think the most helpful invention is the vacuum cleaner.

S1: Why is that?

S2: Well, it can help me clean the floor when mother asks me to do the cleaning.

Dialogue 2:

S3: What do you think is the most annoying invention?

S4: I think the most annoying invention is the air-conditioner.

S3: Why is that?

S4: Well, I feel uncomfortable in the room with an air-conditioner.

Dialogue 3:

S5: What do you think are the most annoying or helpful inventions?

S6: I think the truck is the most annoying invention and the soundproof door and window is the most helpful invention.

S5: Why is that?

S6: The trucks always make noises and people can’t sleep well. If they have the soundproof door and window people needn’t worry about the noises anymore.

Step VI Groupwork (4: P70)

Ask the students to use their imagination to solve problems.

Point to the picture at the bottom of P70.

T: Look at the picture. Imagine that you are alone on a tiny island. If you need something but there isn’t any on the island, what would you do?

S: I would make it by myself.

T: Good, that’s the way we deal with problems. Choose five inventions you would like to have on the island with you. Discuss in groups and tell the other group members what you choose and why.

Sample dialogues:

Dialogue 1:

S1: I’d like to have a radio because I could listen to music all day.

S2: Yes, but that’s not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have a boat or ship.

Dialogue 2:

S3: I’d like to have some matches because I could light a fire to keep warm.

S4: Yes, but that’s not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have a cell phone.

Dialogue 3:

S5: I’d like to have a telescope because I could look far.

S6: Yes, but that’s not going to help you leave the island. I think it would be better to have a signal lamp.

Step VII Homework

T: Preview Section B: 2b and 3a. Search some information about potato chips and tea.     



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