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【专业点拨】《Unit6 I'm watching TV ScetionA》课堂实录

2015年09月21日 08:33:18 访问量:479

Unit6 I'm watching TV ScetionA》课堂实录  


远大一中  郑琳霞    



    1.知识目标(Knowledge goals)

     1New words and phrases: newspaper, read a newspaper, use, soup, make soup, wash

     2Key drills:  what are you doing?

                     I am watching TV.

                     what is he doing?

                     He is reading.

    2.能力目标(Ability goals

    1Enable the students to listen to and talk about what people are doing.

    2Help the students to practice listening, speaking, reading writing skills .

    3.情感目标(Emotional goals)

    1Train the students to cooperate each other and help each other.

    2) Let the students obey the rules and try to be good students.


1.教学重点(Teaching important points)


watching TV ,cleaning ,washing the clothes, listening to a CD, making soup, reading a newspaper, using the computer

2)现在进行时:(Subject + be + doing +...)

                  What are you doing?

                  I am watching TV.

                  What is he / she doing?

                  He is reading.

                  What are they doing?

                  They are playing basketball.      


2.教学难点 (Teaching Difficult points)

    1) How to understand and use am/is /are +V-ing

    2) 现在进行时的构成和动词现在分词的变化。




               4) 突出学生 个体,尊重学生差异。

教学用具准备:powerpoint 制作的课件、录音机、一些日常活动的图片、单词卡片


Step1  Greetings and lead-in  

1) Greet the whole class as usual.(用英语像平常一样给同学们打招呼.)

2) THello, boys and girls .Nice to see you again. Today we are going to talk about everyday activities. And now I will act out some activities.

      T:  What am I doing ?(Take out a banana and eat.)

      T:  I am eating a banana.

      T:  What am I doing ? (Open a book and read it)

      T:  I am reading a book.


    1) Lean the new words幻灯片展示)

      T: Who can name the activity in it?

     ( Show the students a picture of watching TV )

      S1:   " Watch TV "

      T:   He is watching TV.

      T:  And what about this picture?

      S2: "  using the computer "

      T:   She is using the computer dinner.

      T:   What about these pictures?

      S3:  " washing the clothes "

      T: They are  washing the clothes. (etc.)

      S4:  " read a newspaper"

    2Teach the verb phrases

      T: Look at the picture and read after me," read a  newspaper "

      Ss:  " read a  newspaper "

      ( Ask the students to "read a newspaper ",And then teach " clean the     classroom , using the computer, talk on the phone " in the same way.)

( 用幻灯片展示日常活动中的情境,使学生身临其镜,直观、易理解、吸引学生注意力。在真实的情境中学习词汇,能够学以致用)

Step 2 Presentation


  1) 叫一位学生按照老师图片上的提示做动作,教师接着说:

      T: He/ She is using the computer now.    

         They are watching TV  now.

      T: What is he/ she doing ?       

         He/ She's   using the computer now

      T: What are they doing ?

         They are watching TV  now.


      S1: What are you doing now?      

      S2: I'm watching TV.   (etc.)


    eat----eating read---reading clean---cleaning watch----watching   play---playing   (etc)


Step 3 Match work (1a)

    1. (Ask the students to read the words and the picture ,and then match the activities with the pictures a-f.)

        e.g   Who is Jenny?

              What is Jenny doing?

              She is watching TV.

              What are Dave and Mary doing?

              They are listening to a CD.(etc.)

    (通过问答,进一步搞清楚谁是JennyDave and Mary,以及他们正在做的事,通过练习,加深对现在进行时的理解和应用)

Step 4 Pairwork (1c)

    1. Show some pictures and let the students ask and answer in pairs.

        e.g   What are you doing ?  I am singing

              What is he doing ?    He is watching TV.

              What are they doing?  They're eating dinner

    2. Ask the students to practice: What is...doing?

              ---What is he / she doing?

              ---He/ She is reading/ cleaning/ doing homework/ eating dinner/ talking on the phone/ watching TV.

    3. 启发学生归纳出现的现在进行时的结构句型.

              主语 + am/ is / are+ 动词的现在分词

    4.  动词的现在分词的构成:











    The ruler of present participle:

    1) add ing

    2) take away e and add ing

    3) double tand add ing

    4) Change ieinto y,add ing


Step 5 Listening(1b)

Ask the students to read the name in Activity 1b and write the number from 1a.         

 1) What are the people doing?

    2) Write numbers from 1a below.

    3) Check the answers in pairs like this:

    A: What is Jenny doing?         B: She is watching TV.

    A: What are Dave and Mary doing?   B: They are listening to a CD.

    A: What is John doing?       B: He is washing the dishes.




    1) 熟记本课时的单词、词组和句型。

    2) 写出下列动词的现在分词:

       clean ________    read  ________   shop  _______   

       Play  _______     Talk ________    write _______   

       Put   ________    eat _________    swim  _______

    3) 用所给动词的适当形式填空:

         What are you doing now? I am  ______  (clean) the window.

         I like _______ (swim) very much.

         Look, The boy is ______ (sit) at the table. He is _____(drink).

         He wants to _______ (be) a doctor.

    4) 观察今晚自己一家人正在做的事。




    New Words:

  New Sentences:


  A Whats he doing ?


  B Hes using the computer .


  A What are they doing now?


  B They are listening to a CD.




推荐/张柏影   责任编辑/谢丽萍


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